Private Shop (2.0.0)
Tested on Prestashop Version: 1.7.X
Hide your shop or prices from non-registered users (entire shop or selected pages). Ability to manually approve new registrations, or send a customer a verification link to activate their account.
See below for additional destails, demo links, reviews and more.This module turns your entire shop or only certain pages private.
You can hide the shop completely, or just hide the prices.
Customers will have to login before they can view your shop or prices. When hiding shop, any page they visit will automatically redirect them to the login page.
Select where to redirect the customer after they have logged in.
You can control the color of the background, the opacity, and whether to allow for new customer registration.
You can require new account activation that lets you approve or deny new customers before they can login to your site.
You can enable email verification, where the customer would get an email with an activation link, and will only be able to login after clicking the link (which verifies their email address).
The module will work with any theme you have and with any customization you do to the login / registration pages.
Front End:
Back End: ([email protected] / demodemo)
All our modules are offered at 50% off and are sold "As is". We offer limited paid support.
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